Meet Atty. Cath Rojo-Tiu

Meet Atty. Cath Rojo-Tiu

Cath is a Corporate Lawyer, currently a Chief Legal and Compliance Officer of a private hospital operator in the country and a Mom of a 2 year old toddler and twins! 

Cath uses her career to bring positive change in the way healthcare is being delivered in our country. She sparks change in her community by influencing genuine, open, and inclusive dialogue to be able to craft an acceptable solution that will enable them to move forward as she firmly believes that collaboration fosters diverse perspectives and innovative solutions.

Cath, just like any other supermoms, has this amazing way of still being able to prioritize and make time for her family. Cath shares with us that she usually starts her day by spending time with her kids and ends the day well with a cup of tea with her husband. 

All of these while still being an advocate of self love and expression. She shares that it is important for every individual to remember that every well-being matters. Extend the same care to yourself as you generously give your loved ones. Prioritize self-care without guilt, because nurturing yourself allows you to continue nurturing others from a place of strength and grace. It's not selfish; it's a vital part of sustaining the love and support you provide.

Kokoon espadrilles for Cath offer more than just stylish footwear. In her own words, Kokoon provides a means for individuals to authentically express themselves. With a wide range of creative designs, from quirky to classy, sparkling to colorful, Kokoon caters to diverse personalities and styles. These espadrilles empower wearers to embrace their unique selves openly, in line with their inner convictions. The comfort they provide not only allows for easy, burden-free walking but also serves as a reminder that life's journey should be walked with confidence and authenticity. Kokoon espadrilles thus become more than shoes – they become a symbol of self-expression and the freedom to live life fully.

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